2 Beer Guys Blog

Welcome to the 2 Beer Guys Blog! Here, you will be able to read our stories and adventures as we travel through the world of craft beer.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ryan has shown is posterior enough times...I think it's him!

Beer Burglar In The Buff Caught On Camera

When Kristen told me about this story, I knew I'd be blogging about it. Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time before one of our group was exposed as a true beer nut. In the still image below, caught from a surveillance camera, it's pretty clear that the naked assailant in this heist is none other than our own Thirsty Beard. How do I know this? I've seen his pressed ham enough times to know. And no, I'm not proud of that fact.

Fish's Quick Stop is a place where people in DeSoto, Missouri can get just about anything but store clerk Vicky Gaines got more than she ever bargained for when a burglar in the buff showed up while his accomplice stole a case of beer.

"Basically, a guy coming in, standing there naked and doing the hula," Gaines says.

It was all caught by the store's video camera at 5:30 a.m. August 18th.
The article, along with video footage, can be seen here

So Ryan, where were you on August 18th????

Saturday, August 25, 2007

American Homebrewers Association (AHA) - at Sebago Brewing Company

Anyone interested? Does 2Beerguys count as a Family?


Dear Homebrewers and Beer Enthusiasts,

The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) wants you to join us for a fantastic fun-filled event with fun prizes and an opportunity to meet and mingle with other beer enthusiasts –Sebago Brewing Company, Saturday, September 22nd, 2007.

Bring a friend to the event. The cost is $33 for new and renewing members.

Entrance to the event includes these opportunities:
• One-Year Membership to the AHA (reg. $38)
• 8 House Beers on Tap, attendees will be able to sample house beers for FREE
• Free Brewery Tours
• Meet the brewers!
• Complimentary appetizers
• Give away's to each attendee include: a pint glass and opener
• Chance to win great prizes from the AHA in a raffle and also a chance to win t-shirts and 2 cases of beer from Sebago

Attending this event is the American Homebrewers Association's Kathryn Porter!

Click here

What's the AHA you say? The AHA is the national organization for homebrewers and beer enthusiasts! We're about promoting the community of homebrewers and empowering them to make the best beer in the world. We are deeply passionate about all aspects of homebrewing and beer culture: technical, artistic, sensory and social.

With your AHA Membership you also receive a Zymurgy magazine every other month, discounts at pubs across the U.S. and much much more!

WHEN: Saturday - September 22nd, 2007
Time: 4-7 pm
WHERE: Sebago Brewing Company
48 Sanford Dr.
Gorham, ME 04038
(207) 839-BEER

BEERS: Click here to read more about the Sebago Brewing Company's family of beers.

WHY: Learn more about the AHA and how you can become a part of the homebrewing community! For the cost of entry you receive an AHA membership and a chance to win cool door prizes.


Join or renew in advance or at the event. A discounted AHA one-year membership rate of $33 will be offered at the door.

Once you're a member - entrance is FREE!

Already an AHA Member?– Entrance is FREE, but don't miss this great membership rate of $33. Renew at the event!

Join with a FAMILY MEMBERSHIP rate of $43! You'll receive one Zymurgy magazine per household and all registered family members (limit 4) become card-carrying AHA Members with full benefits!

Designated Drivers: We welcome designated drivers to the event. Entry is free, but does not include an AHA membership.

Alert: Harpoon Peche 22 Ounce Bottle Warning‏

Here's a warning from Harpoon Brewery. It's time to pop them open and enjoy!!

Drink Craft Beer, You've Earned It!!!

Dear Sean,

Since offering the Harpoon 100 Barrel Series Pêche, a limited edition product, in May, Harpoon has been notified by a few loyal customers that a small number of the 22 ounce Pêche bottles have broken under pressure, creating a potential hazard to handlers and consumers. The risk is not from the beer, but from the added pressure in the bottle caused by the secondary fermentation. To protect the safety of our loyal customers and beer lovers everywhere, we have decided to issue this warning along with safe-handling instructions for all 22 ounce Pêche bottles. In addition, we have removed existing inventory from wholesalers who carry the Pêche, our brewery stores in Windsor and Boston, and have instructed our wholesalers to pick up any remaining bottles at retail outlets throughout New England and New York.

If you have any 22 ounce Pêche bottles, please carefully un-cap the bottles – if possible without moving them. We would recommend wearing protective eyewear and/or shrouding the bottle with a hand towel while un-capping. The beer itself is fine. Once you safely remove the cap and release the pressure, feel free to enjoy it. If you choose not to consume it and would like us to refund your purchase price, simply send us an e-mail at pecherefund@harpoonbrewery.com with your name, mailing address, the location and the approximate date of your purchase and number of bottles purchased; and we will promptly send you a refund.

If you have any additional questions, please call Jaime Schier, Quality Control Manager, at 888-427-7666 x-538 or email at jschier@harpoonbrewery.com.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your loyalty to Harpoon.

Al Marzi, VP of Brewing Operations

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pocket Shots - Flasks on the Fly

Ian stumbled upon this article today... Might be a good idea for hockey games... :)


Our Spirts are made from the highest quality ingredients:

VODKA Pocket Shot Vodka is a clean, crisp and smooth premium vodka that is triple distilled and filtered three times using the finest American grains and purest water with no additives. This clear vodka can be mixed, iced down or enjoyed straight up.

TEQUILA Pocket Shot Gold Tequila is made from the finest Blue Agave Tequila from Jalisco, Mexico. This is excellent Tequila for Margaritas or it can be enjoyed straight up.

GIN Pocket Shot London Dry Gin RUM This natural imported Carribean Rum is carefully distilled and then aged in the finest charred barrels.

WHISKEY Pocket Shot is full bodied Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey produced the way Kentucky Bourbon used to be made, aged to perfection in charred Oak Barrels

Click here

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Good News for Microbrew fans..

Ian stumbled upon this article today... It's rather long, but this is good news for Microbreweries.

GROCERY: Beer: Honing the craft

The craft beer segment is a prominent growth driver, but grocers need to decide where it fits in a larger category strategy.

By Dan Motelet

AUGUST 01, 2007 -- Craft beers have grown so much in popularity that just about any grocer could be missing a major opportunity by not exploiting the segment. They're the little powerhouses that can help the overall huge but nevertheless struggling beer business better compete with wine and spirits. For supermarket beer merchandisers, the question ought not to be whether to get involved, but to what degree.

Any discussion about craft beers should first begin with a definition of the term, or at least an attempt at one. Brewers, distributors, aficionados, and consumers have offered several definitions over the years. The Brewers Association's definition says that the volume produced, and the person or company ownership in the brewery, determines whether a beer is a craft beer. Others in the industry have slightly different views.

Small batch, heady growth

In the end, though, it's the consumer who defines the segment, just as in every other consumable product category. Consumers tend to think that beer produced in small batches -- fewer than 2 million barrels annually -- qualifies as a craft beer. In any case, these beers aren't considered your "everyday" beers, and appeal to beer aficionados, both boomers and millennials, because they believe craft beers to be original.

No matter how you define a craft beer, however, one thing is certain: No growth within the beer industry in the past decade has been as prominent. The logical questions now are, how big will the segment become, and how long will the boom last?

Even more important for supermarket operators: What should I do about craft beers? Should I change the way I offer them to my customers? Promote them more? Add more brands? Answers to these questions can be as varied as craft beer itself, depending on crucial factors such as an operator's market and its positioning therein.

Craft brewing is not new to America; indeed, people have been brewing, or "crafting," their own beer since the first settlers arrived at Plymouth Rock. Interestingly, beer was among the supplies that the Pilgrims were running out of, which necessitated their landing in Massachusetts instead of their intended destination.

Until Louis Pasteur developed pasteurization in 1871, beer was local, or at least, with few exceptions, not distributed nationally. As a result, because of the requirements of freshness, thousands of small brewers, as well as countless home brewers, occupied the beer landscape.

And until America's big brewers were able to employ pasteurization, as well as advancements in refrigeration, it could be said that for the first 100 years of America's existence, craft beers were a huge chunk of the total beer industry. In 1870 there were 3,200 breweries in the United States -- virtually all of which are no longer in existence today.

The modern craft movement began when Fritz Maytag purchased and revived the old Anchor Brewing Co. in San Francisco in the 1960s. At first, growth came slowly for the segment. Intrepid home brewers struck out to share their creations with an audience beyond family and friends, but transformation into commercial brewing was still a pipe dream for many well into the 1970s. In 1980 there were only 48 commercial beer brewers in the United States.

But as American consumers clamored for variety in everything they consumed, and the home brewer became more daring, craft beers finally began to take off -- first, thanks to brew pubs and microbreweries that often doubled as restaurants, and then with products bottled for sale in retail outlets such as liquor stores and, in a limited number, supermarkets.

A small setback in the early 1990s, brought about by, among other things, under-capitalization, seemed to slow the expansion of craft beers. Today, however, the hurdles faced in the 1990s seem to have been cleared, with more than 1,500 brewers of all sizes (including the biggest brewers) producing beer in the United States.

For many reasons, today's landscape is much different from the 1870s in such areas as distribution laws, consolidation, marketing, and globalization, the last of which has brought countless import beers onto America's retail shelves.

There now are craft beers with a myriad of types and flavors -- everything from Belgian pale ales and hefeweizen (a German style of wheat beer) to beers flavored with chocolate or berries, as well as countless seasonal varieties.

Today's craft brands aren't nearly as many as could be counted 150 years ago, but there still are many, and, more importantly, the number of offerings keeps growing.

Over the 52 weeks ending June 9, 2007, 646 craft beer brands have sold at least 1,000 cases each in America's supermarkets. That's an 11 percent increase compared with 2005.

By way of comparison, only 245 import brands have crossed the 1,000-case threshold in supermarkets over the same period. Import brand count has also increased over the past two years, up nearly 12 percent vs. 2005.

As a result of all this brew brand proliferation, the shelves are growing crowded. Today the average American supermarket stocks over 23 different craft beer items. When balanced against the average number of items stocked for the entire beer/malt-based beverage category count of 195 items, craft beers appear to be a fairly small presence, yet they've increased their count by more than 33 percent over the past two years, exceeding the growth rate of import beers.

Craft beers have been increasing their presence in other channels as well. In convenience stores, craft beers account for only 2.5 percent of all items stocked (year to date May 19, 2007); however, their average of 2.4 items stocked is up 35 percent vs. two years ago.

Penetration rises

The story is similar in liquor stores, with the average store stocking 52 craft beer items, accounting for about 17 percent of all beer/malt-based items carried by the average liquor store (26 weeks ending May 19, 2007). And their presence is growing in liquor stores as well, with the average store stocking 24 percent more items than in 2005.

Craft beer household penetration has been growing as well. Since 1998, penetration for craft beers has increased by 60 percent, over three times the growth rate of the category average of a 19 percent increase.

While penetration growth for crafts was steady from 1998 through 2006, a large increase, pushing penetration to 8.0 percent, has occurred in 2007, indicating that the consumer base purchasing craft beers has grown at an accelerated pace this year.

However, craft beer's household penetration level is still a fraction of premium beer penetration, so it may take quite a long time to catch up to the penetration levels of the category's largest contributor, especially given the level of consumer promotion employed by the premium segment, where the majority of advertising dollars come from today.

What has all this distribution gain and increased household penetration meant for craft beers? They've enjoyed a sustained period of category share growth -- a period that has seen the segment go from a share of 2.3 in 1995 to 4.6 for 2007 year to date. And this growth has been accelerating since 2005, with share growing almost one full point in the three-year period.

While this growth is impressive, craft beer is a relatively small piece of the beer industry, especially when compared with premium beers, which command a 45.8 share of the category (52 weeks ending May 19, 2007).

Total dollar sales for craft beers in supermarkets only (ending Dec. 30, 2006) were about $537.6 million, out of the $8 billion beer market.

It's hard to say whether increased distribution has driven the share gain, or if increased sales have helped to fuel increased presence in America's stores, but one thing's certain: More Americans drink craft beer today then they did even three years ago.

And these consumers are likely attracted to craft beers for several reasons, including, but not limited to, a desire for more variety and choices in flavor, much in the same way that variety seeking is causing a profusion of flavors in beverages such as juice, coffee, wine, and spirits. Craft beers also appeal to those seeking a stronger, more complex flavor profile.

Crafting a retail strategy

All of this leads retailers to ask, "What role should craft beers play in my beer category?" By all indications, it probably shouldn't be a leading role for most conventional grocers.

The appeal of craft brews is undeniable, but the segment can't provide the core volume needs of today's supermarket in the way that premium light beers do. Nearly four times as many U.S. households purchase premium light beers, so the audience for them is much vaster, and the feature lift index for premium lights is 30 points greater than craft beers, so premium lights are still, and will continue to be, the key segment to feature.

However, craft beers provide an array of experiences and tastes that today's variety seekers are looking for. Other channels, including liquor stores, have stepped up their craft offerings, and many supermarkets have joined in.

Nick Lake, v.p. of Nielsen's Beverage Alcohol Division, sees it this way: "Craft beers provide a clear image-enhancing role. Specifically, a retailer should offer a good selection of brands and styles, be competitive on price, feature and merchandise selectively, and not strive to have the lowest craft beer prices in town."

Lake adds that retailers should look to premium beers "to fulfill other roles, such as traffic building and turf protecting, due to their continued broad-based appeal. These rules dictate aggressive promotions, especially on large packages where appropriate, are the tactics to be deployed."

Others industry experts see significant intrinsic value to craft beers. Ed Gawronski, v.p. of market & business insights at Milwaukee-based Miller Brewing Co., sees the segment as a catalyst for improving the performance of the total beer category.

"In the age of beer sameness, the craft segment offers a differentiated brand and product experience that is boosting the beer category with offerings that can compete with wine and spirits," says Gawronski. "The craft segment is addressing a consumer desire for sophistication and flavor within the beer category, and has therefore generated consumer interest in the beer category once again, benefiting all types of brands, including mainstream domestics."

In the end, there's no doubt that craft beer is an important segment that provides variety for the high-end beer lover. Successful retailers will follow a defined category management plan and use craft beers accordingly.

Dan Motelet is associate client director in Nielsen's Beverage Alcohol Group.

click here for the link to the article

Maytag Handy Chiller is the fastest way to chill drinks

Maybe this will make it to the states, so we can chill our 22 oz bottles..

The new Maytag Handy Chiller is the fastest way to chill drinks. The patented process is 40 times faster than a freezer and can cool:
• Cans in 1 minute,
• Wine and Bottles in 3.5 minutes and
• Super Cool bottles in 6 minutes.

Just add ice, water and plug in, you will never run out of cold drinks again. Ideal for parties, entertaining or whenever you desire a cold beverage at a moments notice. This versatile unit may also be used to warm babies bottles to a safe drinking temperate in two minutes. Available in sleek and stylish silver and black to ensure that it will look the part in any kitchen.

Dimensions - Height 200mm, Width 330mm, Depth 140mm.

Price: £59.99

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back to the CBC for cask night

After several weeks away (due to schedules and crazy hot weather than makes me not want to walk 15 minutes before I get to a pub), I ventured back to the CBC for a couple of pints afer work today. First I had a Bitchin Bitter. This crisp, lightly bitter offering was a great beer and supports a great cause... http://www.cambrew.com/seasonals.html

Next, I had a cask-conditioned Endless Summer IPA. A nice dark-orange, this beer was dry-hopped with columbus hops. Weighing in at about 6.5% ABV, it was very drinkeable and had a nice fruity aroma and the creamy taste one expects from a cask-conditioned ale. The regular version comes out tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see how the two compare.

Debate on lower drinking age bubbling up

The debate over the legal drinking age is again a hot topic, enough so that it is the lead story on MSNBC.com right now (thank you to hops for providing the link).

...“Raising the drinking age to 21 was passed with the very best of intentions, but it’s had the very worst of outcomes,” said David J. Hanson, an alcohol policy expert at the State University of New York-Potsdam. “Just like during national Prohibition, the law has pushed and forced underage drinking and youthful drinking underground, where we have no control over it.”...
Having been born in a country where the legal drinking age is 18, I can definitely see the advantages of having a drinking age of 18. It can easily be argued that 18+ year olds are drinking whether the law permits them or not, and having laws in place that prohibit that are, as the article points out, driving them 'underground'.

The drinking climate in England is such that, well, it's not that big a deal to go out and have a couple pints. Here, there is this huge stigma attached to drinking like it's this highly dangerous and immorale activity. Granted, the effects of alcohol have been well-documented, but in light of the fact that it's a prevalent activity among college students, is it not better to provide a society in which they are not forced to hide in basements and 'have a few drinks because its cool'. Fact is, I enjoy beer, because of its subtleties and nuances, and how, with few exceptions, no two beers are the same. I'm not condoning underage drinking here, so don't misinterpret my words.

Additionally, with the military service age being at 18, I find it a little peculiar that the government sees fit to send its young men and women overseas to fight a war, but doesn't see fit to permit them to enjoy a nice, hopefully craft, beer.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Lowell Ribs and Brew Festival

The City of Lowell along with the New England Barbecue Society is gearing up for 2007 Rib'n Brews Festival - are YOU ready?!? The City kicks off this two day Kansas City-style barbecue competition on Friday, September 7th at 6:00pm on the Tsongas Arena grounds.

This event also includes a microbrew challenge, food sampling and sale, and live entertainment from some of Boston's top bands. Admission is $5 (children under 12 are admitted free).

Patrons can watch the barbecue competition unfold as chefs baste, season and grill their way to the State title on every type of barbecue equipment imaginable including huge trailer-mounted barbecue pits, kettle grills and water smokers. The winners of the contest will receive a proclamation from the Massachusetts Governor as the State’s Best Barbecue Cooker as well as invitations to two national competitions.

Friday, September 7th, 6:00pm-12:00am
Saturday, September 8th, 12:00pm -12:00am
Sunday, September 9th, 12:00pm – 6:00pm.

Many microbreweries will participate in this event and will be announced soon. The cost for sampling beers in the Microbrew Challenge is $20.00. Participants will receive a complimentary glass, twelve 4oz. samplers and a ballot sheet to vote for their favorite beer/brewery. Participants must be 21 years or older.


* Concord Ale * Cape Ann Brewing Co. * Old Burnside Brewing Co.
* Harpoon Brewery * Ipswich Ale * Longtrail Ale
* Wachusett Brewery * Smuttynose Brewery * Magic Hat Brewery
* Sierra Nevada Brewery * Shipyard Brewery * Diagio Imports (Guiness)
* The Tap Brewery * Buzzards Bay Brewery * Stella Artois Brewery
* Global Brewery * Anheuser Busch (Microbrew Division)



Maine Brewers Festival

The Maine Brewers’ Festival 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007

The 14th Annual Maine Brewers’ Festival!

Once again this year you can count on great brews, fantastic music, and
plenty of fun! We hope you’ll join us!

Please be advised, that due to the popularity of this event
tickets sell out in advance.

We advise you to buy tickets and make hotel reservations early.

Tickets go on sale July 6. Click here to find out about ticket availablity.


Happy Hour Session: 3:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

* Doors open at 2:30 p.m.
* Taps open at 3:00 p.m.

Evening Session: 8:00p.m. – 11:30 a.m.

* Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
* Taps open at 8:00 p.m.

Taps close 15 minutes prior to session end, allowing you time to enjoy your final brew.


Tickets may be purchased:
* $24 in advance
* $29 at the door, if available
In person at:
* Gritty McDuff's - 396 Fore St., Portland, ME
* Gritty McDuff's - Maine St., Freeport, ME
* Gritty McDuff's - 66-72 Main St., Auburn, ME
* RSVP - 887 Forest Avenue, Portland, ME

Tickets on sale JULY 6st (Please note: There is a $3 shipping and handling charge for tickets.)


Listeners can purchase tickets in advance begining July 6th at "Your Different by Design Station, WCLZ"


Calendar of events 2007 (Aug-Nov)

There are so many events these days.. that I will try to post once a week about upcoming events... If anyone if discovers an event not listed, please let me know.


Brewing a Brown - Possible Sat or Sunday this weekend. Everyone is welcome. Location - Wallen's abode.

Blues and Brews Festival - Saturday, August 25, 2007 [Nashoba Valley Ski Area - WESTFORD, MA - $28 in advance $35 at the door]


Festival of Ale - September 15th - [Worcester
Advance Tickets: $35 for non-members. Tickets available at the door for $45. Designated Drivers $5. All beer samples included in ticket price.]


Lowell Ribs and Brew Festival - Maybe sometime in September?

The Maine Brewers’ Festival 2007 - Saturday, November 3, 2007 [Tickets may be purchased: $24 in advance - $29 at the door, if available. We advise you to buy tickets and make hotel reservations early.]


Vermont Brewers challanges to visit all 18 breweries - July 2007 - July 2008

Blues and Brews Festival

Anyone interested?

Drink Craft Beer, You've Earned it!!

6th Annual Blues'N'Brews Festival

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Nashoba Valley Ski Area

$28 in advance
$35 at the door*

Kids under 12 free (must be accompanied by adult). Paid admission includes ten beer tastings, or equivalent in non-alcoholic bev's for those not of legal drinking age.

IT’S AN ALL-STAR LINEUP, with.... ROOMFUL OF BLUES! JEFF PITCHELL & Texas Flood! ...and The Installers with JAY GEILS playing HIS CLASSIC BLUES TUNES!!!!!!


UP TO 4O DIFFERENT BREWERIES with more than 80 different brews to sample including true Cask Conditioned Ales


Flying Dog Dogtoberfest

Well, it's that time of year again. Time for Flying Dog Ales in Denver to release their seasonal beer, and time for them to be awesome and send us a sample to review! Stephanie Kerchner from Flying Dog emailed us last week to let us know that our sample was in the mail, and attached the press release for the beer. The release can be read here. As soon as we've received and reviewed the beer, we'll let you know!

Labels: ,

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Why now Black Cow?

Many of you were there.. and don't agree, but it's still bothering me...

I do advocate checking for ID's and I am in complete understanding that under age drinkers try to sneak into places.

Why would an established restaurant, like the "Black Cow", feel the need to accost their customers?

OK. For those who were not there, after dinner at Joe's American Bar and Grill, we marched over to the Black Cow for a night cap and to watch the Sox and Patriots. We entered the restaurant and set a minor wager amongst friends (We set an over under for the amount of people that Amber would know in the Black Cow).

After locating a table, the waitress visited and took our order. At the same time, she verified everyone's age. OK. Things are going great. About 5 minutes later, the gruff manager came over to George and started muttering something and asked him for his ID. Well, it wasn't George that he wanted, he wanted the guy in orange with stripes. OK, so that was me. WTF. We just had our waitress over and checked our ID, now the German Gestapo is visiting to check again? I politely obliged, while he rambled on about some under cover cop story and being busted three years ago.

As I mentioned before, I don't have a problem verifying my identification. For those who know me, I am the first one to pull out my ID without being asked by the initial server. But, to come over and require a prostate exam to have a beer is unacceptable.

I have a suggestion for you, Mr/Mrs Black cow. If you are worried about your license, post someone at the beginning of the bar area that is old enough and qualified to check identification. Funny thing, this check will only be required ONE time.

Unfortunately, this hassle also meant that it took over 20 minutes to receive our drinks. Very unacceptable. It's a shame. I don't have any desire to return to the Black Cow. They have a great selection of beers on draft (Harpoon IPA, Waschusetts BlueBerry, SeaDog Rasbperry Wheat, Old Specked hen (George's and Brace's favorite), Magic Hat #9, Sam Summer, and many more).

Drink Craft Beer, You've earned it!! (but not at the Black Cow)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Disappointment in sunny FL

First, let me start off by saying that it's been AGES since I've blogged. Good to blog again....

Okay...so last weekend I went to Florida for my 10 year high school reunion. Let me just say that I was expecting a bust of a reunion, but this turned out to be pretty good. Lots of fun with old friends in the children of the corn town. I was instantly time warped back to high school.

I flew into Jacksonville around 10 am with high hopes. I was on a mission from 2 beer guy's, Sean. My mission, should I choose to accept it (and I did) was to locate the Bad Frog beer company and purchase a tap handle (http://www.badfrog.com/merch.html) or two (can't leave the other beer guy out!). Now, this was a difficult mission, indeed, as when I visited the bad frog beer site, I had difficulty locating an address for this place, and, when I called the phone number the site provided, I got a message saying the number was not in service. Clearly off to a bad start. But I called Sean to have the address verified, and after he gave it to me, we plugged it into my sister's GPS system.

As the GPS told us when to turn left or right,I was looking forward to a unique beer at a brew pub or perhaps even a brewery. Pulling on to the road that was indicated by address, I craned my neck in anticipation of the building. Finally, it was in view....a strip mall? Huh...judging by the website (which is poorly done), I figured this must have been a small beer operation located in the strip mall. After again checking the GPS, we turned in to the strip mall and scanned the store signs one by one. No bad frogs to be seen. We did a second run with the same result. There was no such thing at this address. After sitting in the parking lot, staring in disbelief (and huge disappointment on my part) at the GPS, we gave up and decided to head off to St. George street where I sat at an outdoor bar drinking the finest St. Auggie had to offer...Yuengling. =(

Disappointment number two came later that night as I headed out with April and friends to Market Street pub in Gainesville. It's a pub, so I was looking forward to some tasty brew. Upon entering, I was delighted to see a substantial row of tap handles lined up behind the bar. My enthusiasm quickly faded, however, when I saw what these taps had to offer: Bud, Bud Lite, Miller, Miller Lite, PBR (on tap...yes), Mich Ultra. The few redeeming qualities were Bass, Guinness, and Newcastle. Thank God I could atleast have a black and tan not feel like a total blasphemer.

The good thing about Florida, however, was a trip to the local grocery chain (I love you, Publix!) where I found Harpoon, Seadog, Red Hook, and Flying Dog. I selected a nice Porter and hung out with friends, enjoying, finally, a quality beverage.

I don't think 2 beer guys will need to make any Florida plans any time soon. They sure know how to party in the south, now they just need to get some better brew.

Friday, August 10, 2007

BrewBerry this weekend... anyone interested?

On Saturday, we are planning on brewing a Blueberry Wheat. Brewing will take place at my house. I plan on starting to boil water at 9 AM.

If you are available and want to stop by, please do so. Brewing should take from 9 to ~2:00.

Here are some pictures of the Brewing Day...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Shipyard wins awards


Shipyard Brewing Company

Sea Dog Brewing Company


Tami Kennedy



Maine’s Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale and Sea Dog Bluepaw Win 1st Place at the California Brewer’s Festival

PORTLAND, MAINE (August 9, 2007) – Shipyard Brewing Company’s Pumpkinhead Ale won 1st place in the Specialty Beer Category at the 13th annual California Brewers Festival in Sacramento, California.

Sea Dog Brewing Company also took home two awards in the fruit beer category: Sea Dog Bluepaw Wild Blueberry Wheat Ale won 1st place followed by Sea Dog Apricot for 2nd place.

Shipyard’s Chamberlain Pale Ale also received 2nd place in the English Pale Ales category.

For complete list of awards, visit: http://calbrewfest.org:80/main.php?page=Awards2007

Earlier this summer, Chamberlain won 1st place in the English Pale Ale category at the prestigious West Coast Brew Fest’s Commercial Craft Competition in Sacramento, California and Sea Dog Apricot won 3rd place in the fruit beer competition.

Chamberlain and Sea Dog Bluepaw also took home silver awards at the 2007 San Diego County Fair and each of these beers also won bronze awards in May at the 2007 Australian International Beer Awards (AIBA) in Melbourne, Australia. AIBA is the showcase awards event in the Asia Pacific Region and entries were received from 39 countries. Sea Dog and Shipyard Brewing Companies were two of just nineteen U.S. craft brewers to win medals at this competition.

Master brewer Alan Pugsley oversees the brewing for both these companies. Sea Dog and Shipyard beer is available in over 35 states across the U.S.

Discover more at:

Sea Dog Brewing Company -- www.seadogbrewing.com

Shipyard Brewing Company -- www.shipyard.com

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

New 2Beerguy Slogan

Check this out..

Thanks to the Dover-Foxcroft Alumni weekend/parade event. I was given a free bottle of water. And on this water container there was a cap. HA HA jk.

Here you go...

"Drink Beer... and never thirst again." Sean 8:16

(Borrowed from "Drink... and never thirst again." John 4:14)

Please add a comment to let me know what you think!!

Mini-kegerator...the future for homebrewing?

Well, this little guy could be the next great thing for homebrew bottling/kegging. The Avanti 5-liter kegerator sits on the countertop and dispenses nice cold beer from a standard 5-liter keg. The kegs are readily available online for around $12. Here is the link to the product, as well as a photo of the litter bugger.

Product info

Tuesday's Joke... Thirsty Bear

(contains explicit language - be aware..)

A bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana and sits down. He bangs on the bar with his paw and demands a beer.

The bartender approaches and says, "We don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings."

The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a beer.

The bartender tells him again, more forcefully, "We don't serve beer to belligerent bears in bars in Billings."

The bear, very angry now, says, "If you don't serve me a beer, I'm going to eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar."

The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings."

The bear goes to the end of the bar, and, as promised, eats the woman. He comes back to his seat and again demands a beer.

The bartender states, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings who are on drugs."

The bear says, "I'm NOT on drugs."

The bartender says, "You are now. That was a barbitchyouate".

Dover - Alumni Weekend

Amber and I went up to Maine last weekend for their Alumni weekend. This festival started ~11 years ago, but this was the first time that we visited during the festival.

On Saturday night, after driving through the rain/lightening storm and avoiding all of the fallen trees, we ventured over to da Bear's Den to visit with her brothers. I was quite pleased that tucked away in central Maine, they had Shipyard Export and Casco Bay - Rip Tide on draft.

The bar was pretty crowded, mostly people returning for the weekend, but there were some locals. (The bears den is a bar in a modified house. When walking up the porch entrance, we passed by all of the locals having a smoke. It was similar to walking into Seabrook Walmart.) The band was pretty good. The lead singer loved using his voice box thingy and the sax player was good.

On Saturday morning, we ventured into town to see the parade. I was surprised to learn that the parade route is about 2 1/2 miles and there were over 80 floats/vehicles participating. After the parade finished, the streets were closed. We ventured over to Abel Blood's. I was very excited to see everyone wearing Sea Dog Blueberry shirts. What's more exciting was their beers on draft.

* Sea Dog Blueberry
* Shipyard Summer
* Casco Bay - Rip Tide
* Geary's Hampshire Special Ale
* Harpoon IPA (in the bottle)

Yum Yum. We sat outside on the sidewalk under the tent, I enjoyed a couple of tasty Sea Dog Blueberry drafts.

When it was time to move on, we ventured over to the pub next door to visit Josh (who was eating lunch). I am not sure if the pub's name, but it's situation inside an old bank. It still has the vault. I was rather excited that they offered Shipyard export - $1.75 drafts..

It was a fun time in Dover.

We'll definitely have to go back next year.

Vermont - Part 3 - Day 3

WOW, Nelly... The final Vermont Day 3 post is done? WOWSER...

Lets have a quick recap. Day 1: Amber and I went to Vermont. We ventured to Waterbury Vermont. The Alchemist brewery rocked the house. Day 2: We visited the Ben and Jerry's factory and then traveled to Burlington to visit Magic Hat, American Flatbread, Vermont Pub and Brewery, and Three Needs. We then ventured to Steve's neck of the woods and capped off the evening with our 3rd pizza at Trout River Brewery. Recap over.

After getting a slow start in the morning, I wonder why, Amber and I removed the top from the jeep and set our wagons south. Our adventure started from St. Johnsbury Vermont. It's near the border of New Hampshire, but also not to far from Canada.

So, we set our GPS on going south, pretty much following the NH/VT border on rt 91. It was pretty cool. Very hilly and very pretty. It felt like we were in the alps, so I sang all of the songs from the Sound of Music. NOT!!

Our goal for the day was to reach Long Trail Brewery and then attend the Harpoon BBQ festival in Windsor.

On the way to Long trail, we saw a big shopping area that was hosting an outdoor flea market. We decided to make a pit stop. This place was pretty cool, there was a Cabot outlet, Winery, Toy Museum and other cool shops (There was a company where you could watch them make glass). I am not sure the name of the town, but it was within a mile from Quechee gorge. (The gorge is wicked f'n cool.)

After filling up on Wine and cheese, we ventured to Long Trail Brewery.

It was around noon and the parking lot was nearly full. We ventured into the brewpub and received a warm welcome from the hostess/merchandise expert. She informed us that they do have something available at the pub that they do not distribute. This perked my attention. It was their double IPA that they made just for the Vermont Brewers Festival, that took place the previous weekend. This was music to our ear.

They don't have a formal tour, but they allow their visitors to take a self guided tour. So, we checked it out and took a peak of the brewery. The self tour is a cool idea. Next time, it would have been neat to see it in production.

We sat down at the bar. (This is a great looking pub. They offer indoor and outdoor eating, along with a long U shaped Bar and plenty of seating area. Most of the patrons were outside, so the bar area was pretty quiet. We learned from the bartender that the pub is only opened from 12-6 (daily). They aren't open at night time, to avoid disrupting business at the other restaurants/bars in the area. Interesting idea, but makes it difficult for outsiders to come and visit. Maybe this will change in the future, who knows.

We enjoyed our pint from the tap (Amber - Hit The Trail Ale
and Sean - Double IPA) and then hit the merchandise area on the way out. (Yes, I had to purchase a 6 pack of this tasty Double IPA.. but it was $15 for a 6 pack. A little steep, but worth it..)


Our Second stop was the Harpoon BBQ Festival

We have spent many hours at the Harpoon Brewery in Boston, but never Windsor, Vermont. We were excited. Beer and BBQ. WOOOO HOOOO.

It didn't take us too long to get from Long Trail to Harpoon. We arrived at the brewery and parked in a field. It was the second day of the competition and there were many people there. After entering, we scoped out many of the BBQ competitors booths to see what they were selling.

We decided to grab a brew under the beer tent and then find something to eat. When purchasing our tickets, we saw Schyler and chatted it up for a second. He recommended some of the booths to check out and informed us where Jamie's (Harpoon Brewer) team was setup. It was quite hot, so we ordered a Harpoon IPA and UFO Raspberry.

It was pretty cool going on the second day of competition. Many of the competitors were offering free samples, so we initially purchased a pulled pork sandwich (yum) and grazed around trying sausages and grilled chicken. (Yes, your mouths should be watering.) We located Jamie's tent. He was grilling and asked us to visit in about 15 minutes.

So, Amber and I ventured around. We checked out the strong man competition, the band, and other booths offering food items and merchandise. We also went into the store/brewery. The store was much bigger than the Boston location. When taking a rest in the AC, we chatted it up with a couple of micro brew gurus.

We headed back to visit Jamie and he offered us some prime rib that his team entered in the competition. The recipe and cooking explanation was very elaborate. The steak was amazing. It was very good. Liz Melby (public relations) stopped by while we were there. Amber and I were excited that we saw some of our favorite Harpoon employees during this event.


After walking around a few more times, Amber and I decided to end this venture.... OR did we?

*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*& EXITING VERMONT *&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&

Well, once we exited Vermont and reached New Hampshire, Amber asked if I would like to Visit the 7 Barrel Brewery. That's a silly question. Yeah... brewery number 9 baby.

Our THIRD Stop

So, we made a quick pit stop and cooled down in the brew pub. We ordered a sampler to share. This sampler included the following:

* Queche Cream Ale (Breweries Most Popular) [ok, very light, served to bud drinkers]
* Ice Rock Canadian [malty with a syrupy taste, medium yellow body, Amber found this refreshing]
* New Dublin Brown [burnt malt aroma and taste, creamy feel, thin body]
* The Red 7 (Breweries Second most popular) [moderately bitter, light body, crisp and creamy]
* Champion Reserve IPA [Citrus hops with grapefruit notes, light to medium in body, soft carbonation, moderately bitter initial/finish for an average duration.]

* RIP Stout [burnt malts, creamy, tasty, sweet initially and then noticeably bitter with an alcohol taste]
* Cathy's Summer Wheat [Banana and clove notes, Very smooth, surprisingly a little tart, unfiltered and cloudy light yellow]

It was a great looking bar, good atmosphere and good service. We chatted with the bartender. We learned that this was the brother/sister brewery of the Vermont Pub and Brewery. They were owned by a Husband/Wife team (that I think might have split), but I am not positive. He mentioned that he wasn't a beer expert, but would show me around the brewery if I wanted. It was the end of his shift, so I declined, but was thankful for the offering.

They offer a variety of food offerings and about 9 beers. You can purchase a sampler in 4 or 6 varieties. All beers had great lacing, none were watery.

To our surprise, the guru's that we met at the BBQ, sat down in the bar. We shared a few laughs and they mentioned that they were hitting another brewery on the way home, Flying Goose brewery, in New London, NH. The offered us to join and provided directions.

We were unsure, but we had to fuel up, so we went off on our own. When getting close to the suggested exit, we decided "what the heck, lets do it". So, we got off the recommended exit. We initially went the wrong way, so we stopped at a gas station and checked the directions.

After heading in the proper direction, we went through all of down town and it started to look like the wrong way. Could we have been duped? When we pulled over, to turn around, the Guru's in their truck sped past us. HA.. what a coincidence. (BTW, their truck was easily distinguishable. They had traveled from Merrimack NH to somewhere in Vermont to pick up some wood. Yes, very weird, but the wood was offered for free to them and one of the guys had recently build a brick stone pizza oven. Still odd to go to Vermont for wood.)


Anyways, we sat down at the Flying Goose Brewpub and grill (at crocket's corner) and ordered dinner. The menu was extensive. Amber ordered the salmon dish and I ordered the buffalo fingers. To wash this down, we ordered some pints:

* Crockett’s Corner Oatmeal Stout (Amber ) -
The original business here was the Crockett family dairy famous for their homemade ice cream. This oatmeal stout that bears their name is smooth like a glass of milk and delicious. 6%ABV

* Pearly Town IPA - (Sean)- This one is a juggernaut of India Pale Ales and named after the original settlement of our town. Full of hops, a touch darker and with a fuller body than others, this specimen is perfect for those who enjoy a hearty drink. 4.73%ABV

* Long Brothers Strong Ale - (Sean) -Hoppier and more bitter than I.P.A., it's the perfect beer for anyone who is a fan of ales that leave their mark afterward. 6.77%ABV - very hoppy and tasty. (Sean)

They have over 17 different brews on tap. Each tap handle is a different goose head. Pretty cool, but they don't have them for sale.


After a long weekend and 10 breweries, we decided to call it quits, waive the white flag, throw in the towel, stick a fork in us... WE WERE DONE.

It was a great adventure. Good beers and a very pretty time to travel through Vermont. Overall, the Alchemist brewery takes the blue ribbon. The only downside is that they don't distribute. Second best is going to be tough. The BBQ festival was awesome and we should all visit next year. Long Trail has a great pub and is a must visit brewery. Magic Hat and the other offerings in Burlington was a fun time.

If you have any questions or comments about our Vermont trip, please let us know.

AND Yes, we have 8 of the breweries stamped on our Passport. Check it out. Take the Challenge.

The Vermont Brewers Association is challenging YOU to visit as many Vermont breweries as you can- and offering rewards to those who are up to the task! Official passports are available at breweries, as well as online at http://vermontbrewers.com.

This candle is finally burnt out...

Drink Craft Beer, You've Earned It!!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Spam Winner of the day - Sweet Candy1

OK, so not beer again, but this is funny:

From: Precious ciufo

Finally got my internet back online. we matched with pro-files. look me up at triple w dot squishylady dot com I am under Sweet_Candy1 love xoxo Jenny.

OK, who falls for this. Sweet Candy 1 is now on Squishy Lady's website? This is a travesty. I think we should give someone this nickname. Please add a comment to nominate someone...

Oh yeah.. Forget about Sweet Candy and go enjoy a tasty brew. It's very hot out there today. Go for a summer porter or a over the top hoppy IPA. You've earned it this week.

Ta ta for now

Drink Craft Beer, You've Earned it!!

(p.s. This email was brought to you by the campaign of keeping Andy not bored.)

Kappy's tasting - August 3rd

(Better late than never... I guess :) )


175 Andover Street Rt. 114, Peabody
(978) 532-2330

Join us Friday, August 3rd from 2 pm - 3:30 pm for a scotch tasting with special guests Divina Small from Ardbeg Distillery and Scotch Ambassador, Josh Phillips.

Additional information:

Jeremy Goldberg - Head Brewer from Cape Ann Brewing Company will also be offering a tasting of Fisherman's products over at the Kappy's in Danvers on 114 as well

NON Beer related - How Does Voice Recognition Technology Work?

***** Warning: NON BEER RELATED *****

This was a Nuance Press release today that I wanted to share with everyone...

How Does Voice Recognition Technology Work?

You might not realize it when you’re on the phone waiting for a computer to figure out if you just said “Flight Three” or “Fight me,” but it’s kind of a miracle that speech technology works at all. Wanting to know how it works, we called Dan Faulkner, director of product management and offer marketing at Burlington, Mass.–based Nuance, which has programmed speech recognition software for Amtrak and Sony’s PlayStation.

First, software has to figure out when you’re talking, and when you’re done. “Speech has certain characteristics, certain harmonic frequencies, and the software waits to identify these,” says Faulkner. When a computer identifies speech and then hears a pause, it sends that snippet along to the next stage of the program, which tries to decode it.

“The next stage is all based on phonemes,” says Faulkner. “Phonemes are the basic building blocks of speech, the sounds we make to make the words. So a word like ‘thought’ is broken down into three phonemes, which you might spell as th, aw, and teh.”

The computer looks for the phonemes and then, in trying to decide what word you’ve said, compares it to a database of words broken down into phonemes. The comparison, though, isn’t just a straight search, but a probabalistic statistical model, based on the computer’s idea of what you’re likely to say next. “If you’ve just said the, for instance,” says Faulkner, “the computer isn’t going to look for a verb, because a verb very rarely follows the.”

And if all goes correctly, the voice recognition program will have a fair chance of actually figuring out that you really do want to fly to Mexico City instead of New Mexico. — B.U.

link to article

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Vermont - Part 2 - Day 2

Break out the horns... The awaited Vermont Day 2 post is here...

(George, if this is too long for you to read, print it out and bring it to the potty..)

Lets have a quick recap.
Amber and I went to Vermont. We ventured to Waterbury Vermont. The Alchemist brewery rocked the house. Recap over.

So, we got up the next morning and decided to take a quick drive around Waterbury. We were shocked to stumble upon one of Ben and Jerry's ice cream factories. We had some time to kill, so we went on the tour and sample some ice cream. It was pretty cool to see the factory, but unfortunately it was the only day that they weren't in production. At the end of the tour, we sampled a cross breed of the chunky monkey and chocolate chip cookie dough. Yum Yum.

Tour was over, we check out the joint and went on our merry little way (to BURLINGTON VERMONT)

It was early in the day, but we had tons to do. We planned on visiting Magic Hat, American Flatbread, Vermont Pub and Brewery, and Three needs. PLUS... we were meeting our resident Vermont tour guides in Burlington (Steve Rheaume and Sharon something).


Magic Hat Brewery
. Home of the hippies and dark lords. For those who are unaware, Ian and I already had numerous email communications with folks from Magic Hat. The coolest thing is that each of them get to pick their own nickname. For Example, Kate La Riviere is the Minister of Fermentation Elation Relations and Michelle Noonan is the High Priestess of Peddling. Pretty cool, huh?

So, we arrived at the brewery and noticed that things were getting started. Workers were setting up tables and getting ready to serve the masses (hotdogs and burgers) and wash dogs. Pretty cool.

We ventured on in and immediately joined the tour. The first part of the tour takes you through a collection of Magic Hat history. It was pretty neato. Then you walk up a ramp and take a pit stop to watch a movie. We didn't get to see the whole movie (cause we joined a tour that had just started), but it was about the history of Magic Hat and information about brewing beer. I wondered if they have this movie on their website or if they send it to adoring fans.

After the movie, we continued up the ramp to a big landing area. From this spot, in the middle of the brewery, you could see where the magic happens. The tour guide proceeds to explain how their beer is made and describes the whole process. (For those interested, they also use the Ringwood yeast and ferment their beer in open fermenters.)

The tour guide provided a lot of information to the novice user, but didn't clearly explain some parts of the brewing process. I was shocked that she came off a little arrogant when describing their bottling line and whom they purchased it from. It was ok.. I sorta shrugged it off... (If I had fully shrugged it off, then I wouldn't be mentioning it now..)

The tour was over, so we ventured back to the store and to the tasting area. This is where it gets exciting. Magic Hat had many offerings available on tap that they either don't bottle (because it was a special batch.. maybe a test batch) or because it wasn't in season for that offering yet. Here are some of the beers that we tried...

* Thumbsucker - Russian Imperial Stout
* Kerouiac
* Circus Boy
* Hocus Pocus
* Belgian Double - (one of the wonder beers)
* Belgian Wit
* Single Chair (temporarily replaced with a Springfield tap)
* #9

The Thumbsucker was very tasty. After enjoying some samples, we shopped a little and realized that we needed to get this wagon in gear.

Since Magic Hat is on the outskirts of the city, we followed Steve/Sharon to the center of Burlington. We weren't quite sure where the breweries were, but we decided to walk around the shopping area and ask for direction.


Our SECOND STOP was the American Flatbread Company.

Yes, you are right. Flatbread pizzas. The home of the pie. The place to indulge on good food and beer. While waiting for seats, we sat at the bar and ordered a pint. While waiting, we talked to the hippies next to us. We learned that the guy was a fellow home brewer. How freakin cool. He doesn't brew beer, but had been developing a recipe for a medicinal meed using herbs and maple syrup. It was interesting, but I'll stick with beer for now.

American Flatbread was cool. It could be considered the Sunset Tap and Grille of Vermont. They had about 8 beers of their "Zero Gravity" brand on tap, along with other microbrews on tap and in the bottle. It was a very tasty offering.

T.L.A - American IPA It was just OK.
Extra Stout - (Irish style dry stout, but bitter) Creamy and hoppy, it was very tasty.

After getting a table, we ordered a pizza and asked the waitress what was her favorite beer. She informed us that the Heavyweight Brewing Company in New Jersey, that has ties with their head brewery, was going out of business and they had a few of their last kegs. We decided to to give their beer a try.

Heavyweight Lunacy (from New Jersey) - Medium Amber color with a hazy body. Very typical Belgian wit, smooth, strong banana notes, soft carbonation, fruity. Served in a tulip glass.

Heavyweight Baltus (from New Jersey) - Dark brown color with hints of malts. Moderately sweet and a light body. It had a strange finish feel on the palate, partially astringent. Served in a tulip glass.

The lunacy ranked in the 76 percentile and the Baltus ranked in the 79 percentile on Ratebeer.com. The American Flatbread company was a fun place to visit. Their pizza was good and it is definitely a place that I would return to.


Our THIRD Stop was the Vermont Pub and Brewery -

This brewery is side by each with the Flatbread company, so we ventured on over. It was busier, but we managed to score a table outside. Amber and I ordered a beer sampler and some gravy fries. Sharon tried the Sweet potato fries and Steve had regular fries and their own sampler.

Amber and Sean's list (with quick notes)

* Devil was kicked so we had the Burly [Smooth, a little weak in taste, not a typical red]
* Cask Stout (Amber's Favorite) [Smokey, clean and smooth, buttery aroma, long duration on the palate]
* Beetle [A lemon would be a nice compliment to the drink, sorta weak, watery, light, cloudy body]
* IPA (Sean's favorite) [sprucy aroma, good lacing, much better than flatbread's IPA, moderately bitter taste on the palate]

* Bitter [pretty decent, fruity citrus hops]
* Fruit (Steve and Sharon's Favorite) [Raspberry greatness - best of show, Red cloudy body, light, great lacing
* Alien [very bud like]

Steve and Sharon's list

* Beetle
* Burley
* Cask Stout
* Bitter (ESB)
* Alien


Fourth STOP Three Needs

Also in walking distance, we ventured on to three needs. This brewpub has a fairly small bar on the right with some tables on the left. Pool table in the back. No food offered. Atmosphere more like a run-of-the-mill bar rather than a brewpub. No printed menus of the beers, though they are listed on a board. The bartender was friendly and you could tell it was a townie hang out.. but we were there at a slow time.

They had three beers on draft, but we just shared two of them amongst the four of us (the Flemish Sour and a Stout). It was a pretty cool place, it would be fun to go back when we had more time to hang out. BTW.... What are the three needs?

This was the end of our schedule tour and off to St. Johnsbury, Vermont. For those who don't know, Burlington is on the west border of Vermont and St. Johnsbury was on the East border of Vermont. Once we arrived to Steve's abode, Sharon was off to meet a friend. As a team, we decided to visit one additional brewery - Trout River Brewery in Lyndonville, Vermont to grab some dinner.

This happens to be the same town that Steve works in, but he never visited. We ventured into the restaurant and it was very laid back. Unbeknownst to us, the only thing on their menu was pizza. (For those who lost count, this would be the third pizza mean in two days.) We ordered up a pizza and a sampler to share amongst the three of us.

The sampler was ok. Each one of us had a different favorite.. Once dinner was over, we went back to Steve's apartment and raised the white flag. I was tired, not from drinking too much beer, but from all of the traveling. It was a long day, but we had a great time.


In Summary, the best of the day was Magic Hat. They had many different beers on tap and they were the only one that we toured. Had we known it would have been pizza pizza pizza day, I might have picked up a hotdog or two.

The place that I would most like to return to would be American Flatbread's because they had a great selection of beer and sharp looking pub.

The least favorite of the day was the Vermont Pub and Brewery. BUT... I recommend that you check it out for yourself....

*** More story to come in the Day 3 blog....

Newburyport Micro Brewery Festival

Hello Friends, Family, and Beer lovers,

On Wednesday, George/Kat/Ian and I ventured over to the Microbrew festival in Newburyport. It was organized by the C-10 Research and Education foundation and held downtown by oldies flea market.. (And no Ryan, they don't sell fleas).

It was an outdoor festival and in a perfect location by the waterfront. Participating in this event were the following breweries:

* Allagash * Berkshire * Cape Ann
* D.L. Geary * Gritty McDuff * Ipswich
* Magic Hat * Redhook * Smuttynose
* Stone Mill * Tuckerman * Unibroue * Wachusett

It cost $25 dollars to get in and we received a passport with 8 different spots on it. This allowed us to receive 8 samples. The sample size was approximately 4 ounces (1/4 of a pint).

We scoped out the joint. Most of the offerings were lighter summer beers. Awe shucks... where are the IPA's... Initially, I was disappointed, but after we dove in it didn't bother me anymore. (There were 4 IPA present and accounted for: Ipswich, Stone Cat, Smuttynose, and Wachusett)

I started my adventure with a Magic hat #9 and chatted it up with the sales folks. I was excited to tell them about my Vermont adventure. Then I ventured on. (Not in this order) I tried a Pear offering from Unibroue, an Smuttynose IPA, a Stone Cat IPA, Wachusett Blueberry, Gritty's Vacationland, another #9, and a Allagash White.

We were quite pleased to chat it up with some of the sales folks. I was very impressed that each brewery had someone from the brewery. I have been to similar events where the beer was there and a clueless volunteer was serving the beer.

The highlight of the night for me was meeting the folks at Allagash and Gritty's. After mentioning that one of my favorite Gritty's beers was their Scottish Ale, I quickly learned that the gentleman that I was speaking with was the Scottish man on the bottle. I don't think he's really Scottish, but he just plays one on tv. I then remembered that I have that Scottish Ale shirt and that he was on my shirt (I wasn't wearing it at the time). AND Yeah, George has a friend that's in sales for Gritty's. THANKS FOR KEEPING THIS A SECRET!!!... HA, George didn't know, but knowing is half the battle.

I am not sure what everyone else tasted, but I know that they enjoyed the Fisherman's brew by Cape Ann.

I had a good time. I am on the fence in saying if it was pricey. There could have been more value to the event, but we weren't sad to bring home a pint glass. Overall, it was definitely fun to get back into the swing of things and get our name back out there.

Maybe next year we can get involved. This is something that I would like to get into organizing.

Update on George's recent Survey


Drink Craft Beer, You've Earned it!!